CIMA PhD in Musculoskeletal Ageing


All CIMA funded PhD Studentships have now been recruited to. New programs will be available soon and will be listed here or on our Twitter page and via Find a PhD


This unique programme offers students multidisciplinary training in the processes and effects of ageing in the whole musculoskeletal system. Students will be based in one of our three sites (Liverpool, Sheffield or Newcastle), and will spend the first year of the studentship undertaking our MRes in Musculoskeletal Ageing. Students will undertake placements in the laboratories of one or more of the collaborating partners and have access to an industrial mentor.

CIMA hosts a series of unique programmes, offering students multidisciplinary training in the processes and effects of ageing in the whole musculoskeletal system. We can offer postgraduate researchers access to world-leading facilities across the three CIMA sites as well as comprehensive support from our team of experienced staff. CIMA cultivates strong links between our research facilities and both clinical and industrial organisations, enabling our graduates to have a broad scope of future career opportunities.


CIMA PhD Projects

Below is a list of just some of the projects that CIMA PhD students have been involved in over the past five years.

The role of epigenetics in tendon ageing: investigation of the effect of age and disease on the methlyation and non-coding RNA changes in tendon

Professor Mandy Peffers (Liverpool)
Dr Simon Cockell (Newcastle)
Carole Proctor (Newcastle)
Professor Alison Gartland (Sheffield)

Can time-scheduled exercise improve age-associated epigenetic signature of genes regulating circadian timing in the musculoskeletal system

Dr Vanja Pekovic-Vaughan (Liverpool)
Professor Mandy Peffers (Liverpool)
Dr Daryl Shanley (Newcastle)

The role of regulatory RNAs in the ageing muscle and their modulation by diet

Dr Joao Pedro De Magalhaes (Liverpool)
Professor David Young (Newcastle) 
Dr Kasia Whysall (Liverpool)

Nutritional modulation of epigenetic signatures of musculoskeletal ageing

Dr Elizabeth Laird (Liverpool)
Hyang-Min Byun (Newcastle)
Professor Peter Clegg (Liverpool)

Computational modelling to identify novel anti-inflammatory interventions to preserve musculoskeletal function in old mice

Professor Anne McArdle (Liverpool)
Dr Lesley Iwanejko (Liverpool)
Carole Proctor (Newcastle) 
Daryl Shanley (Newcastle)

Investigation of the effect of age-related methylation changes within enhancer regions on target gene expression using CRISPR-Ca9 technology

Dr Louise Reynard (Newcastle)
Professor David Young (Newcastle)
Professor George Bou-Gharios (Liverpool)